Log Procurement:
Healthy Forests for Future Generations
Townsend Lumber knows that to get the best value from timber assets requires an in-depth understanding of proper forest management. That’s why our Forest Management Team embraces sustainable forestry practices, ensuring a steady supply of high-quality logs for our lumber mills without sacrificing environmental integrity.
We have a great respect for the hardwood forests of Southwestern Ontario and have made it our business to become ambassadors of responsible forestry, setting an example for others in the industry to follow. When you work with Townsend Lumber, your woodlot will be managed with expert care for a healthy, productive future.
Townsend Lumber purchases and processes all species of hard and soft wood trees found in Southwestern Ontario.
Your Logging & Harvesting Allies
Our expert sales staff have developed strategies and markets for every species of tree, further setting Townsend Lumber apart from other sawmills & timber buyers.
Please note that Townsend Lumber does not offer tree removal services. Delivery of logs can be made to our mill through a third party as long as arrangements have been made with us in advance.
Mike Penner & Bill Carl (Timber/Log Buyers)
Email: | info@townsendlumber.com |
Phone: | 519-688-1426 (Mike); 519-688-1236 (Bill) |
Fax: | 519-842-9467 |
Ontario Tree Species Purchased & Processed by Townsend Lumber
• Red Oak • White Oak • Ash • Cherry • Beech • Hickory • Poplar • Tulip • Butternut • Walnut • Sassafras • Elm • Birch • Willow, • Locust • Sycamore
• White Pine • Red Pine • Basswood • Hemlock • Tamarack

Your Forestry Experts
Townsend carries extensive general liability insurance while both the company and its subcontractors meet Workplace Safety & Insurance Board requirements.
Landowners who have worked with Townsend’s Forest Management personnel have expressed satisfaction with the results.
Forest Management Plans are already in place for Townsend’s own properties, providing useful guidelines for effective long-term management of your woodlot.
At Townsend, we offer free woodlot inspections to evaluate the potential of your timber resources and to determine what kind of forest management plan best suits your woodlot.
Townsend’s logging crews are fully certified for Cutter/Skidder Operation; crews educated in woodlot safety, correct harvesting procedures, forest management practices & environmental issues.
Serving Landowners, Protecting Forests
What is Sustainable Forestry?
Sustainable forest management is a way of using and caring for forests to maintain their environmental, social and economic values and benefits over time.
Since the late 1940s, the province of Ontario has granted municipalities the authority to regulate tree cutting in privately owned forests. Most southern Ontario municipalities now have these bylaws in place, which were originally intended to control the clear-cutting or near clear-cutting of woodlots that was common in southern Ontario at the time.
Townsend Lumber strongly supports local tree bylaws that protect the long-term health of forests while still allowing landowners to participate in and have control over how they wish to manage their investment and woodlands.
- Tree bylaws, educational programs and other initiatives are all part of a solution to maintain and enhance our natural environment and quality of life (for ourselves as well as for future generations);
- It is important to note that tree bylaws do not prevent landowners or loggers from earning a living from private forests;
- Poor forestry practices have a negative impact on forest productivity, long-term revenue generation, wildlife habitat, forest health, water quality, soil protection and the local forest industry.
Tree bylaws have traditionally worked by specifying that trees of commercial value must reach a certain minimum size before being harvested (e.g. setting minimum circumference diameters). These limits help prevent clear-cutting or heavy cutting, however, most municipalities require people to apply for a permit to cut or harvest trees.
Investing in New Growth
While most forest owners are aware of the potential to generate income from harvests, many remain unfamiliar with how said income can be increased through proper forest management. A management plan that outlines healthy, sustainable options can provide a wide variety of economic and environmental benefits to the landowner.
Forests grow much like gardens. High density areas tend to grow slower because of the amount of competition there is for light, water and nutrients, which results in moderate timber quality. Areas with too few trees lack sufficient growth potential, and much of the growth is concentrated in young seedlings of varying quality. In either case, the forest is not producing timber at its maximum potential.
Thinning or “improvement cutting” is the removal of low-quality trees to increase the amount of light, water and nutrients available to the remaining trees, promoting further growth. By improving the composition and quality of the healthy trees, landowners will see a greater return on investment.
Most forests in southern Ontario are managed using either a diameter limit system or based on a forest management prescription.
- Under a diameter limit cut, trees above a pre-set diameter (usually 30 cm) at chest height are considered for cutting. Townsend’s Forest Management team will use their discretion to determine which trees above the pre-set diameter should be cut and which trees should remain and continue to grow.
- Under a forest management prescription, specific trees are selected to be cut or left, based on their growth potential or their benefit to natural regeneration or wildlife. This selection process is based on individual characteristics of the tree and not simply their size. Each tree to be cut is marked with paint to ensure that the prescription is followed.
Townsend Lumber is proud to be a long-standing member of the National Hardwood Lumber Association, which is committed to the sustainability, education and advocacy of North American Hardwoods.
Townsend Lumber is proud to be Forest Stewardship Council® certified and offer FSC® certified wood and wood by-products to our customers. The Forest Stewardship Council is committed to protecting healthy, resilient forests for all, forever, through responsible practices both ethically and environmentally.
Townsend Lumber respects the rights of Canada’s Indigenous peoples to, as per Article 32 of the United Nations’ Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), “…have the right to determine and develop priorities and strategies for the development or use of their lands or territories and other resources.”
To that end, any contractual agreement to log indigenous land entered into by Townsend Lumber and the holder of said indigenous land will not commence until the contractual agreement has been approved by the applicable governing Band Council.
Townsend Lumber has been an integral part of our forest operation for many decades. They have worked with us and helped make our forests the best they can be!
Request a Free Woodlot Evaluation Today
Other Services From Townsend
Retail Local Hardwood
Flooring, trim and more. Quality, locally sourced hardwood for your home.
Industrial Lumber
Shipping over 50 types of quality certified Canadian hardwood for industrial uses around the globe.